If you would like to be a 2017 Festival Host, or know of anyone who would enjoy the experience, please contact Anne Shrage (our Filmmaker Liaison) at 805-640-1016 OR anneshrage@gmail.com.

The stays are very short, usually 1 to 3 days, and all that needs to be provided is a separate room and bath. The festival provides events, food and drink, and parties… and all hosts receive complimentary Film Festival tickets.

The Ojai Film Festival is widely recognized as one of the most friendly and hospitable film fests in the country. One of the things we do that filmmakers love is Family Hosting. People of the Ojai Valley community open their homes and volunteer to host a filmmaker.

The recognition we have received from filmmakers includes many comments about the hospitality of the Ojai community. The feeling of inclusion offered by staying with valley residents is significant to the overall ambiance of the Festival experience.

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